I have heard that the number of legs a horse has in the air in a statue indicates how the rider died. According to what I have understood: 2 legs in the air: rider died in battle 1 leg in the air:…
A horse statue with legs raised in the air is said to … The U.S. and the U.K. are the two countries in which the contentions about horse leg statue positions are …
Does the number of hooves lifted into the air on equestrian statues reveal … statues of soldiers mounted on horses with … legs are on the ground, the …
If a statue depicting a person on a horse with both front legs in the air, the person died in a battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person
Does the number of legs in the air of a horse statue indicate … I have heard that the number of legs a horse has in the … of a horse statue indicate how … 1093/in-statues-does-the-number-of-feet-the-horse-has-off …
An equestrian statue is a statue of a rider … the sculpture balances on the two rear legs, … states that if the horse is rearing (both front legs in the …
The book makes no mention of what two legs in the … a statue that has all four of the horse’s hooves on the ground means that … Advertise on the Straight Dope!
Raised horse legs and crossed legs: do the legs on statues reveal if someone died in battle or went on crusade? Find out the truth behind this urban legend.
2 Comments on “ The Horse Statue Code ” … Even if it doesn’t mean anything, I guarantee you any statue that has a horse as opposed to just a person definitely …
Anyone know the significance of the horse's … to why horse's legs were raised in statues of … in a standing or sitting position (without a horse).
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